Beneficiaries - P.S. 236x - The Langston Hughes School

Ready to Start! PS 236x Administration with the Forming Futures team

Principal Ms. Talukdar is happy we got our new backpacks!

Wearing my new backpack. Thanks!

The backpacks fit great. Thank you

This backpack has a front pocket!

Carrying our new backpacks!

I couldn't wait to try it on!

Xuan hands me my new backpack!

Victoria shows me my new backpack!

Zoe has new backpack for me!

Thank you Mica for my new backpack!

Baya and Matthew give me a backpack!

Thank you Baya for my backpack!

We are all getting new backpacs!

Thank you Matthew for my backpack!

Mom took me to get my new backpack!

Job well done!!