Helping families form a brighter future

Teenagers helping the NYC low-income community recover from the pandemic

Our Mission

At Forming Futures, we firmly believe in helping all those in need. We create and donate school supplies kits and hygiene kits, for free. Through our kits, we help struggling families financially and emotionally. They know that they are seen and respected and they’re not alone. Support Forming Futures today.

Poverty isn’t uncommon in NYC. In 2019, 56% of children in NYC lived in low-income families. The pandemic has made this much worse. In New York State, approx. 325,000 more children are living in or near poverty (a 92% increase), and more than 1 million children have had at least one parent lose a job due to the pandemic. Children in or near poverty will experience long-lasting reduced future earning themselves, continuing the cycle of poverty.